Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cupid's Road Kill

Well today is the 1 year anniversary of my Grandmother's passing. I think we can learn a lot from those around us. She was a strong woman and remains that way in my mind. I can hear her voice in my head when I begin any sort of downward spiral with a negative thought telling me to get off my "butt". Militza Shoshin, her name even sounds like a motivation to not mess with her. My lingering thought - nature or nuture, because she was a strong woman and through adverse environmental threats had a will like none other (except mom) -for this I hope I have the same "will". I have been told I am strong willed (no snickering) and can only believe with the guidance and pushing : ) of my mother, father and grandmother that I will remain strong when faced with one of life's challenges (example - divorce).
I know that my Grandmother is looking on me today shaking her head wishing I wouldn't have to endure any pain, just as my heart goes to those who have braved divorce before me and after. In the same respect she is telling me to eat my vegetables, be healthy don't be lazy and remember I love you. I can hear her call me by my nickname Katusha telling me to pick myself up and move on. Simple advice, but it rings true to most of life's challenges doesn't it. All of this reminds me that I am fortunate to have a family that cares.
It is impressive to know that people before you have endured whatever life threw at them. At the same time it is difficult to truly learn and understand thoroughly what knowledge they impart to us about the lessons they learned. We truly have to walk a mile in the shoes of each experience to appreciate the gravity and to learn and grow from the life lesson.
To my Grandmother I would like to say cheers! You have monumentally influenced my life and I know you would gain pleasure knowing that I can still hear your voice in my head telling me what to do and not to do : )! I love you.


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