Sunday, December 13, 2009

Cupids Road Kill

Okay... so today I had to go to my old house... and pick up paint cans and some random "stuff" that my last roomate (soon to be ex-husband) didn't want to remove. Yeah thats right, he didn't feel like it... NOT actually internalizing that I haven't been there for 9 months...
Now it isn't the act of picking up the random junk - I had great friends to help.
It is that he is still trying to control the situation. How do we both move past the the pratices that brought us to our divorce in the first place. The point is the ridiculousness of having his attorney email me "organizing" me to come and pick up paint cans, becuase he doesn't want to ... I can't imagine what we both spent financially for our attorneys to email and forward our communication.
CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY TWO GROWN PROFESSIONAL ADULTS COMMUNICATE LIKE THIS? and why are the people who feed on the scraps of these arguments and charge for it. I understand why attorneys exist, but for a situation like ours - limited assets and no children, it should be easy.
Well thanks to my girlfriends who helped me out... I can only say that going to sleep tonight, I am glad this soon will come to an end.

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